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Mobile Surveillance Solutions

Comprehensive Controlling and Tracking system including monitoring driver's behavior through real-time video system via 3G/4G internet.

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Mobile Application

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Vehicle Tracking

A function for tracking the status of each vehicle. Follow various statuses of the vehicle, including the current the current location of the vehicle, starting the engine, parking, speed, and direction of travel, etc.

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Set a location into the system for use such as Important location, Dangerous point, Dangerous routes and prohibited entry points. To make the system usable more efficiently.

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Emergency Call

The phone number system on the device helps customers call the driver immediately in case of an emergency.

Can we help you ?

Display system with online controlling and monitoring driver's behavior through real-time video system via 3G/4G internet

Driver’s Behaviors

Efficiently monitor the behavior of drivers to avoid possible accidents.

Play-Back History

Ability to retrieve historical data in the event of accidents or information that requires quick inspection.

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Customer Service

Nationwide Customer Service centers across Thailand and neighboring countries, providing comprehensive services.

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Real-time Monitoring

Track vehicle location and view video images in real-time.


Control costs and maximize vehicle usage efficiency.


Emergency alerts and timely assistance.


Ability to summarize accurate vehicle usage reports.

MDVR ONLINE Product group

Dimension : 123*89.3*16.7 mm

Data Storage : 512 GB store more data 

G Sensor : 6-aixs Detect HA/HB/HC

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Dimension : 220*188*50 mm

Data Storage : 2-SD Card Max 512 GB

G Sensor : 6-axis 

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Tracking+ GPS Tracking Platform

Software Development
We customize transportation management system (TMS) software solution to be suitable for all company strategy.
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